Berita Foto Mingguan Kozuchikai No. 772 telah diunggah.

Berita Foto Mingguan Kozuchikai No. 772 telah diunggah.
Today, one member and Ipracticed drum.We practiced the “Soran-Bushi”
Today,we held kozuchikai Association Volunteer Training Program.There was only one participant.
Today,I practiced Sanshin and Shinobue by myself because there was no member participation.
Today,5 members,myself,2 family members,a total of 7 people, worked on the practice.
Kozuchikai Weekly Photo News No.771 has been uploaded.
Today,7 members,myself,2 family members,a total of 9 people,worked on the practice.
Kozuchikai Weekly Photo News No.770 has been uploaded.